Majority of people write on paper with right hand, but there are some people who write on paper with left hand. Although there are only some people who write with left hand and these people who write with left hand are know as" left hand people" or only as" left handed" ,If you like to watch cricket matches from TV or some time" as a live cricket matches from internet" some batsman pick the cricket playing bat with left hand and these batsman are called as" left handed batsman" .Yes to cricket match commentator also declare about the batsman" left handed batsman" ,"or right handed batsman" thats mean the batsman who is playing on cricket crees and who are struggling to hit the ball with left hand, and while picking the bat with left hand.
Now question arise all" left handed people" have same internal anatomy (internal structure of human body) as have the" right handed people" ?.
All" left handed people" have same psychology as have" right handed people" OR right handed people and left handed people have same psychology and some others inhabits. (Although every one individual have own psychological habits, different likes and dislikes, different choices and selection) .
All" left handed people" have same psychology as have" right handed people" OR right handed people and left handed people have same psychology and some others inhabits. (Although every one individual have own psychological habits, different likes and dislikes, different choices and selection) .
Although internal structure of left handed people are some as right handed people but human five sensitive control center in the brain waves instructions and left handed people accept those impulses from brain, yes in this way they complete their all tasks with left hand. Remember left handed people have the same type of human heart at same place, these people have same types of lungs, kidneys, reproductive system, as have the right handed people in their bodies.
Yes there is differences, and very high gape and limitations differences, but where and from where these differences appear, and how these differences changeable. If you like to study further about" left handed people" ,and complete abbot the" right handed people" ",then please regular study these pages and my blogs posts here every day. Yes if you to study may blog post then please once subscribed with your" Gmail" account and in this way you will able to receive my everyday and every blog post as" I update or write new posts about the" left hand people" and also about the" right handed people" .
Some old wise people suggested that human mind and human brain control the all functions, activities and abilities as these are inherited from parents and some further more as for" ancestors" .If once father write with left handed, then his and sons will write with left hand but daughters" writing nature and habits" depends on hereditary transferable characters. Although there are only some girls, women and ladies who write with left hand and in other words the number of left handed ladies are" nothing to count" and there limited left handed women in different societies of the entire world. You will astonish to hear that only one left handed lady fond while conducting a research study on" left handed women in our society" .Only large numbers of left handed people and found in south east Asia.
All left handed people have greatest quality and fine characters. Left handed people successfully complete their tasks in life. Yes their family life is unique and successful. In early age left handed people try to achieve success in every field of life. Remember left handed people are more clever and active than right handed people. Please try to observe those students who write with left hand and they are called" left handed students" ,these students are able, efficient and active. Some left handed students" hand writing" in very very attractive than right hand students, why?
"Left handed people" and" right handed people" observe the same way their dreams during their very fast sleeping?
All left handed people and right handed people have same selection of hardworking every where?
How much, and what about the" love characters" of left handed people.
Your girlfriend or your boyfriend is left handed or right handed. Yes you will study all about these interesting fects in my next posts.
bashir73i.blogspot.comAll left handed people and right handed people have same selection of hardworking every where?
How much, and what about the" love characters" of left handed people.
Your girlfriend or your boyfriend is left handed or right handed. Yes you will study all about these interesting fects in my next posts.