Knowledge and informations are must in making progress and advancement in any field of life. Knowledge is the foundation for all learning and receiving and imparting skills. So education is the foundation of all learning process. Some education fields is only theoretical but some educational fields are associated with practical skills, knownment, knowledge and with proper informations. These practical field of education are skilled base and provide for future life opportunities to make progress and advancement in respected field of study. Because one person can choose one field of study for gaining knowledge and skills only about that field of study. Unfortunately is many famous schools of knowledge and skills education providing institutes try to /select for students, those study material, that's are not related with the interest of students. If someone wants to learn only" language skills" yes some one compled to study some religious books, some sociological guides books and unrelated study material. Why? .please try to observe the educational system of Pakistan. Yes in 9th class four complesery subjects and four elective subjects are must for two years study till 10th class. Why so more subjects starts in 9th class. May be education related authorities and policies makers government officers try to make a young student" at one time" mathmatection' religious schelor, language expert, learn about society and furthermore in the 9th class students study" Biology" ,"physics" ,"chemistry" ,"Mathmatic and computers science. Why so many subjects are necessary for one young student. Is it wise matter? No? ,yes? .
After eight years study in many fields of subjects, student should select only one future study field. If someone wish to study the chemical fields, then one must choose only" chemistry and its related subjects" for, from ninth class, for future life study. But if some schools force to a student to study some unrelated subjects then it is playing foolish tracks with the future life of a student. So only one subject for future study is enough. If one student study 8th years of study in only one knowledge, skills or technical education field, yes one should call" expert" ,"doctor" ,and specialist" of that field of study. Unfortunately if someone study 16th in different subjects thats changes from years to years, one class to next class, for science to commercials study subjects, medical and nonmedical subjects, yes it is wasting of study future life, important days of life and like playing the foolish tracks with the age of students. So please choose/ select only one subject for your future study and one subject study will change your life. Yes one can make progress in future life. Remember" a rolling stone gather no moss" ,"so please try to stuck with only one field of future study" .
Yes education, knowledge and practical work can increase inner abilities, capabilities and interest for learning more. If someone available these chances then someone must try to make progress and accept all related challenges thats are associated with it, and with these difficulties. But someone" interest" is must, because without interest no" distinct point" can achieve. Please think about the" inner abilities and inner capabilities" of an individual. If study field is accordance with one interest, then inner abilities and capabilities with associate with external study field, study guides materials, with environmental effects, with own interest, with own wishes, with own wants and demands and then" successful future life" can be acknowledged. If study material, study subjects, study field and study environment cannot associate with interest, with inner abilities, individuals inner capabilities then what will happen with his or her future life.
Education can improve inner abilities and capabilities of individuals but only if it is only balance with interest. If interests are different from educational fields then this will prove monisters for individuals future life. If you like then please think about you, you education field, your subject of study, your future life and about your age. Remember observations are must for improving future life, improving and facilitating own future. Yes one must think about self, others can't think for others, for you or for some else. You are your own decisions makers. Think, observe and try to make best and excellent decision for your, for your future, especially for/ about your future study field/ education. https;//bashir73i.blogspot.com