Our most favorite friends from all of our body is our teeth. Although someone can live without teeth but can not enjoy from full taste of foods. Sometimes some hard fruits are difficult to shallow because without teeth grending, the hard fruits pats will be not correctly become thin. Remember the teeth are greatest gift of Allah. Yes we all must careful about our teeth. We should brush our teeth after eating something every time. Please think about a person whos teeth have been lost, how he will eat food, fresh vegetables, fish, beaf, mutton and sometimes something hard. If someone feel pain in teeth roots, teeth base, teeth visibile and stood part, immediately checked his or her teeth for a dential surgeon. The dendial surgeon will examine the teeth with some tool and then prescribed some suitable" medicines" .your teeth surgeon can suggest you about your teeth problems, you teeth disorders and teeth diseases.
We should keep our teeth very clean and fresh. After every meal we should brush our teeth with improved" tooth paste" ,.Please keep in mind" There are low quality tooth paste are available in market, but during purchasing new tooth paste from shop, please try to accept for buying those tooth pasts that's quality standards are important by' medical and dental councils' OR your dential surgeon suggest you for daily cleaning your teeth.
We should keep our teeth very clean and fresh. After every meal we should brush our teeth with improved" tooth paste" ,.Please keep in mind" There are low quality tooth paste are available in market, but during purchasing new tooth paste from shop, please try to accept for buying those tooth pasts that's quality standards are important by' medical and dental councils' OR your dential surgeon suggest you for daily cleaning your teeth.
Please again think about the function, work and eating every thing our teeth are our favourite friends. Without teeth We can enjoy from the taste of our foods quality. No, because only teeth first feel the real conditions of foods hardship. Remember in early age human teeth are some soft but with the passing of age and in old age our teeth become weaker and sometimes are disabled to grind to foods ingredients, foods parts, and sometimes dry fruits. So if someone wish, if someone want his or her teeth always favour the full age limit, then one must clean teeth after every meal.
If someone become old and in old age all kinds of foods, fruits and eating facilities are available but his or her teeth can't allow to grind the foods in mouth, thats all foods are unuseful and yes someone can't enjoy from eating those foods.
If you are smoker and caggrates smoke cause yellowish on your teeth, please remove those yellowish from your teeth from an expert dental surgeon and try to keep your teeth clean and fresh. Because every body dislike" yellowish teeth personality" and it is clear from experience that your girlfriend will not allow you to kiss from her face because there are pungent smell arosing from your mouth, from your teeth and from your personality. Yes think about your" teeth health" ,"about your personality" ,"about your old age" ,"think about your future life" ,"and always brush thrice your teeth daily with excellent, accepted and improved quality" tooth paste"
If someone become old and in old age all kinds of foods, fruits and eating facilities are available but his or her teeth can't allow to grind the foods in mouth, thats all foods are unuseful and yes someone can't enjoy from eating those foods.
If you are smoker and caggrates smoke cause yellowish on your teeth, please remove those yellowish from your teeth from an expert dental surgeon and try to keep your teeth clean and fresh. Because every body dislike" yellowish teeth personality" and it is clear from experience that your girlfriend will not allow you to kiss from her face because there are pungent smell arosing from your mouth, from your teeth and from your personality. Yes think about your" teeth health" ,"about your personality" ,"about your old age" ,"think about your future life" ,"and always brush thrice your teeth daily with excellent, accepted and improved quality" tooth paste"
At bottom side of" tooth paste" different colours lines and these lines indicates the" chemical composition of tooth paste. So always read those different colours lines and Iimprove your knowledge and your informations about and for tooth paste composition.https.bashir73i.blogspot.com