Every body in his or her some stage of age try to make friendship with others. Sometimes friendship is for" need base' sometimes friendship is for" mutual cooperation, sometimes friendship for mutual interest, sometimes friendship is for" selfish" purpose and sometimes friendship is for sexual relationship. It all depends on persons feeling and thinking. Sometimes friendship is for time passing.If once feeling and thinking are pious and nice they" friendship" will continue for long period of time, but if his or her thinking are about" short term friendship" then such type of friendship lost some time in future. Remember, no two people have same psychology, they may differ in feeling and thinking, they may have different likes and dislikes. Their enjoyment sources and resources may differ from each other. But, what? ,the" friendship" is the name of likes and dislikes of individuals, is it for regular relationship, is it for future mutual cooperation. If all these are" Yes" or" No" ,then one should/ must think about own habits,own interest and his or her own behavior. If his or her behavior is friendly and favourable for friendship, then he or she can try to make those friends, who society status is free for dark scars. Please try to make those friends who reputation and behavior with you, with others people of living society and with excellent nature' is idle. Some people like to make" handsom, pretty and beautiful friends for relationship for mutual cooperation, for sexual relations, for taking and receiving some benefits, please always avoid to make" selfish" friends in your life. One nice, pious and lovely friend is batter then thousands of friends.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend" are common phrases we heard every where in all societies of the world. But friendship between boys and girls are sometimes neat and clean, sometimes pious and free from pollution. But sometimes boyfriend and girlfriend try to cooperate for" sexual relations" with themself. Please pause! ,and think about the relationship and friendship of" husband and wife" who also enjoy with sex, who also enjoy with taking with each other. They also enjoy from" sexual foreplay' ,but sexual relations are not the name of friendship. Two girls or two boys can associate close relationship, and if these relationship is free from pollution then this friendship and this friendship is" maybe" for long period of them. So in every body life" friends" are glorious sing of mutual and future cooperation. Remember during friendship time period, if some of friend need help, please try to help him, because friendship is for friendship but some time, friendship improves better source for mutual cooperation