Oh you like hot tea and cold water Skip to main content

Oh you like hot tea and cold water

Some people like very hot cup of tea, but some persons like medium hot cup of tea, some people like to take very strong cup of tea, different people likes and dislikes are different from each others. But remember these habits directly impacts on our health. "Our health and our habits are responsible for our future life health" .if someone takes and care about eating and drinking habits, yes his or her health will improve soon.
Always be careful about your health. Some people like to drink very cold water. Some people like to drink medium cold water. Although" water drinking habits," dislikes and likes directly affects our health. Drinking of" cold or some medium hot water" depends on weather conditions. If weather is very hot then medium state hot water is suitable for health and health related terms, but if weather conditions are some cold then always drink" normal state water" ,-not very hot, not very cold water" .yes you must drink polluted free water, free from germs and bacteria. Salty water can damage your health, so please always abstain from drinking salty, polluted with harmful germs and bacterias.
Very cold water can damage your health. Some people like to drink very cold water. They try to open the door of refrigerator and pick up bottle of cold water, and soon they try to drink the so cold water. Remember, very cold water can damage your body functions of all body systems. First of all when the very cold bottle or glass of cold water with your lips" the lips colour will change soon" ,"if lips colour is white then with touching of cold water glass or with cold water bottle' the lips colour will change and look like some dark" .Observe when cold water touch with your teeth, your teeth and your mouth will feel some bitter pain, but during very" thirst" you will feel some calm (only if weather conditions are very hot) .
But you know very cold water is very dangerous for" human stomach" a pouch is human body where all foods are digest. Remember in human stomach, there are hydrochloric acid and pepsine. These two chemicals help in digestion of foods and all others materials we eat. But very cold water damage the basic balance of these two chemicals. .furthermore the cold water also changes the chemical composition of hydrochloric acid and some others" enzyme and coenzyme composition. Cold water is also dangerous for" small and large intestine" .especially human kidneys are more affected by very cold water. Remember very cold water also irrgulate the blood pressure and human body temperature very soon. Heart diseases and lungs disorders will appear it some one continue to drink cold water regularly in future life days.
Some people like to take hot tea but before taking a cup of hot tea, they drink" very cold water" after this they start taking hot tea. But when very cold water enter in human stomach the internal environment of human stomach becom cold and inner walls of human stomach feel is very cold. But when very hot tea stream enter in the human stomach then internal temperature conditions will disperse and sicknesses or illness will catch the whole human body.
So please during taking the hot cup of tea, avoid from drinking very cold cup of water. Taking of hot cup of tea and drinking of very cold cup of water can damage your health. Please try to change your habits. If you change your habits, in this way you will change your future life. Remember human health completely depends on our foods, and regularity in our foods is must. Yes if our eating habits and accordance with our requirements then our body health will remain safe and sound.
At last, in very hot weather don't drink cold or medium cold water in the" plastic bottles" ,because all plastic bottles are made from chemicals and during very hot environment and during very hot weather conditions, these chemicals melt and some amount of these chemicals mix with water. If someone drink such polluted water from" plastic made bottles" then someone health conditions will down soon. Then in this way different diseases can pollute the effective body. Remember till these day, all those diseases are incurable and still no suitable treatment in available in medical and clinical sciences. https;//bashir73i.blogspot.com


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