Oh- so long duty hours- But why? ? Skip to main content

Oh- so long duty hours- But why? ?

Human body bear the pain of hardworking less than eight hours only, yes only if and if person health is safe and sound and age years help to bear the hardship working. Yes there are" Labour laws" thats are regulated by state, country government and in some countries of the world by provincial government. Labours laws clearly state that more than eight hours duty in any working field is prohibited. Only eight hours duty is allowed in manufacturing and something producing units. Industerial empire can divide discharging duties hours in three shifts and every shift duty hours are eight hours. But sometimes there are greatest violations of labours laws and some industrial manufacturing units compled and with force their workers, daily wages workers, and from salary persons to work more than fifteen hours per day without any extra pay or with some amount of over time discharge. Yes the work force is control with" manufacturing units own rules, own regulation and own labours laws" (may be) it it is not violations of country labours laws. Sometimes labours laws authorities are controlled by mills chief executives, by owner, by richest peoples, and yes sometimes" labours authorities are controlled by/ with the sources of bribes (with some amount of money) ,and yes the violations of rights of workers continue for ever. Please observe your surroundings and watch carefully" where the labours laws are violated, where labours laws are not violated and where labours laws are regulated in your country.
Why duty hours of labour force are more than eight hours in twenty four hours. Yes if duty hours will increase more than eight hours in any country of the world than unemployment rate will increase because only one worker will work at the place of two workers, yes if duty hours increase, unemployment rates will increase, as such situations and conditions one can observe in Pakistan,where in garments manufacturing units, apparel prounits ducing units, ready made stitching units and knitwear garments stitching units, where duties hours are more than fifteen hours everyday. And these duties hours are with out some extra overtime discharge. What? ??it is (not) violations of country labours laws, rules and regulations. Who control these labours laws, rules and regulations.
Unfortunately there is no" grading or scale system" in industrial manufacturing units. Only human resource department makes" labours policies" and these policies are only for papers work. And these policies are not applied for some future actions, these policies are created by human resource department for passing the foreign audits. Because knitwear garments manufacturing units are allowed orders for export to others countries only if they act upon the" labours laws of the country" where manufacturing stitching units in situated. Editors for audits purpose enter in manufacturing units building and those are deceived with" lies tools" ,workers are force and compled to tell lies, such as" my pay is sixteen thousands, fectory pay me double over time, my duty hours are eight hours only, fectory granted me old aged benefits cards, fectory provide me some leave, .Yes human resource department head further recommend" please tell to editor/ editors about" fectory duty hours are only eight hours" if any worker speak truth then the foreign company will stop our export orders" so please tell a lie with foreign editors.
I request to all authorities of labour laws, government agencies, labour laws inspectors, the government and labours laws related officer, please try to control the" eight hours duty in all manufacturing units, industrial products producing units, garments stitching units, and all knitwear garments exported units will must.
Although at upper level stages of government positions only industrialists and Iimporters and exporters are chaired, and those government authorities will not allow to decrease the workers duty hours "only eight hours" But they will try to increase the" working and duty hours" because they are benefited with much amount of" profits margin" .
At what time and till what time the" duty hours will remain more than sixteen hours" I think~ till the labours force feel sleeping and can not awake to protest for" only eight hours duty" yes suitable duty hours for human health and for thinking and feelings. At was time When" power looms workers" wages/ salaries was under low level labours salary scale. But they awake, ,,,and what happened next, ,,"that is clear to/ for all. Yes only need observations. ?????https;//bashir73i.blogspot.com


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