Every where around us there are occurring changes atsub every instance. Those all changes are not completely positive and all those changes are mix up with negative changes. Every wise will distinguish from positive and negative changes because positive changes can bring prosperity in future life and negative changes can deteriorate the personal future life. Please observe the changes occurring in the living society, please observe the positive changes, please observe the negative changes on the lives of notorious people and then make positive decisions for your future and for your future life. Because first and foremost lovely and unrecoverable thing is" human life" .Please remember" if someone accept and adopt the" negative changes" in life/ for life her or his life can run on wrong, negative and on ways that leads go death. And there are someone events occur here in our society, where some people to accept the" negative changes" from other friends and started smoking caggrates at some early at young age. Because at start the caggrates those individuals not purchase from shops, but barrowed from their friends and sometimes someone accept" some caggrates from friends" as a gifts. Because their friends was regular smoker and some of them was chain smoker. So those people try to accept" negative changes" and started smoking with friends. After sometimes those people become the regular adectors of life threatening diseases and disorders. Some of them died with cancer, some of them are ill and sick with different life threatening diseases. Some of them are regular patients of asthma and lungs cancer. Yes some of them are laying on hospital bed and waiting for death day. Life is proving monisters panorama for them. I attend my those friends in hospital emergency room and in" ICU"ward. Some of them were carrying with pain, some of them were advising to their friends, family members and to all others people" please don't smoke in your life, life is greatest gift of Allah, please don't destroy with your own hands, with your own will, with your own accord and please don't try to accept suicides in your future life days.
Every thing is changing here and every thing is changing others things with positive and negative changes, yes our observations can detects these changes. But someone first try to accept those changes" that can changes his or her habits" positive habits such as" daily morning walk" ,"daily exercise for improving his or her own health" ,cleaning teeth after every meal" ,"making good friends" ,"respecting others people" ,"don't tell a lie with others people" ,"please don't disturb your neighbors" ,"think for peace and prosperity for others" ,"try to make positive changes for others people of related society" ,and spread moral highlights. If someone like to spend prosperous life in this world then only accept" positive changes" in your life and for your future life.
If someone watch" porn sex video" ," xx videos" ,"xxx porn sex videos" on mobile and also try to watch his or her first daily these" porn videos" from internet, yes this is negative changes for others people, for his or her own friends. Because after watching these porn sex videos they can feel sexual excitement and they can try to enjoy sexual excitement with girlfriend or with boyfriend untimely. Their health can catch diseases and disorders.
Please try to accept only positive changes for your future life and please ignore negative changes because those negative changes can deteriorate your health, wealth and your future life. If you are wise only enjoy your life time with positive changes. Think about positive changes from other, bring positive changes for others and other only accept positive changes for yourself. Terrorists changes are? ?????????https;//bashir73i.blogspot.com