How someone detects" The girl is hot or not" Skip to main content

How someone detects" The girl is hot or not"

How someone can detect the girl is very hot, medium hot state or in cold sexy conditions. Although there are no some suitable" detection tools" someone completely and thoroughly understand that" the observe girl is very hot with sexual excitement" but with kean and to the points observations, someone can detect" the girl is very hot with sexual excitement and she wants, she desire some" cold material" to putoff the internal" fire of sexual excitement" with the strength of male strong, hot and with tight penis. Yes only male have ability to control the" internal sexual heat of girls" with some much sex driving time period.
How somebody detects the girl is very hot or not .here some" detections methodologies" remember with the help of these techniques some one can understand about the heat conditions of girls and women. Because every person like girls and women for enjoying sex with them, connecting sexual relationship with them, enjoying their company, playing sexual foreplay with them and sometimes increasing the social states in the society. So please remember" the girl age" is first factor because in young age all girls are very hot. Because young girls desired the compney of young boys. First those connect lovely and worldly relationship and after some times these lovely relations change in to sexy relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend enjoy sex sometimes when they feel they are hot with sexual excitement. If some body want to watch her girlfriend is hot or not. Then some one must study and observe the" behavior of girlfriend" with mind power, try to study her face colour, her body states and conditions, observe her body language, her walking and taking behavior with you. Then put your first goal in her sexy court with only" sexual foreplay" request. She can catch sexual fire with hot sexual foreplay. Yes, if at that time she is agree to enjoy sex and real sex with you, now try to insert your hot and tight penis in her wety and soft vigena and try to increase your sex driving time. If your sex driving time is short, she can try to enjoy sex with some boys else. Yes she can make and connect sexual relationship with someone other. So first time you try to satisfy her with some long sex driving time period.
Some second hands girls and very very hot Because only once she enjoyed with male penis and their" sexual desire and sexual excitement" compels them to enjoy with male penis again and again but till some age. Sometimes old ladies and middle aged women are more hot then young girls. Because old women and ladies whole life enjoyed sexual excitement with male penis and can they live without such sexual excitement. So old ladies and old women sometimes not denyed to enjoy sex with them. Some women and ladies are very hot every time and have desired to enjoy from male penis any time. Yes hot women and ladies not reject some one request to enjoy sex with them. Remember hot women always ready to accept the request of" sexual relationship" .
There are sexual harmoons as in male and this sexual harmoon is named as" testosterone" .although in girls and in women" testosterone" amount is at very low level. Remember this harmoon quality and quantity decrease or in the sexual desire of girls and women throughout the entire age. Testosterone quality and quantity depends on health, weather conditions, diets quality, foods contents and foods ingredients and sometimes" testosterone" levels transfer from generation to generation. So some girls and some women in some families are very hot because those girls and women inherited high level of testosterone from parents and those parents from ancestors. Remember testosterone amount control human hair growth and also control there conditions /colours of human hair. If any girl or woman with hair on whole body or at some body parts, the hair growth is due to" high level of testosterone in girls and in women" ,yes those girls and women are very hot. And request again and again to insert tight and strong penis in their vigena again and again. Those girls and women" with high level of testosterone quantity" become very hot only touching the eyes with her eyes.
Furthermore girls eyes, body language, entire behavior, face color, boobs erections and rubbing from pubic area are some sign that clearly indicates the girls or woman sexual conditions of" hot or not.   
If you are male or if you are female, you try to watch" porn sex videos" , "xx videos", "xxx videos", "sexy videos" , "Sex party live porn videos' ".Yes during watching these videos from internet, from any search engine, from YouTube, from Facebook, your penis erect at once or your vigena become tight like air filled balloon, but why ?????Because your brain started releasing some sexual harmoon in your body fluid (blood) ,your blood pressure increase and your penis or your vigena feel hot,
Yes If someone on detect" the girl is hot or not" try to observe her behavior and try to continue this practice everyday during any time. As we know" practice make the man perfect" ,and with your every day practice you will able to detect" the behavior of girls" even you can predict the" present state of girls" ,she is hot or still not want any long, tight and hot iron stick. Remember some girls and women are so hot, they try to enjoy from sexual excitement twice or thrice per day, but" testosterone levels" ,"age years' ",health conditions" ,"weather situations" ,are main and basic fectors, these can effect the" sexual stamina" of girls and women.
In some countries of the world girls and women don't feel shames to accept the" sexual requests of others" ,and they feel happiness if someone request them" for enjoying sex at any place, during any time and of any age" .yes those girls and ladies not want to dishearted you love, your thinking and your feelings. Yes those girls and those women respect you and your feelings. So they accept your request to enjoy sex with


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