Mobile phone and top level management Skip to main content

Mobile phone and top level management

Mobile phone is excellent source of communication among people. Yes it is best source of" businesses making easy" .it is best source of telemarketing. Even some people work on line and earn some money. Some people work on line affiliate marketing and make both ends meat daily. Because in these days mobile phones set are cheap and everybody access to purchase a mobile phone set with suitable amount of money of best quality mobile phone set. Remember, mobile phone set ueses have two different sides" with positive and with negative effects" .yes positive used of mobile phone set are clear to everybody, who one is using. But negative use of mobile phones are dangerous effects on duty hours, working conditions and on productivity of any manufacturing organizations. Please pause for a while and think about the definition of an organization. If you not, please remember through this way.
Organizations is an entity, where people work to accomplish a goal with suitable structure. Organization consist of three pillars one is people, second is" goals" and third one is" structure" of an organization. Here we shall try to discuss with people and people uses of mobile phones. Because" people set of an organization' are' low level management' ,"middle level management" ,"top level management" .
Top level management of any organization is responsible to make policies and strategies in the favour of organization and make best quality decisions in favour of organization. But top level management know about" Managers" spend their time in playing games on mobile phone set. Some top level management people like to" chat with friends" from Facebook and others related' chat rooms' or some time some managers like to make and enjoy conversations with friends through" with mobile phone text messages" yes I observe some top level management people always remain busy with playing their mobile phone set. Even I watched some managers like to use internet from their mobile phone set and enjoy watching different pornographic stuff from different search engine. Some managers like to watch" porn sex videos" , "xx videos" ,"xxx videos" ,"xxxx videos" ,from YouTube and from Facebook. During duty hours they try to completely entertainment their self from social media.  
If you are low level workers, if you are middle level manager or only working in some organization Please try to observe your top level management. Who always ordered you to complete your all tasks and goals on time, yes those who threaten you" to resign from service if you not complete your tasks on duty to, during duty hours" ,but those all people spent time playing with their mobile phone set.
Yes some clever management people try to deceive their bosses, chief executive and chairman, with effective communication through such a way,
Our work force, our labors and our related staff is not discharging their duties accordance with our organization policies and strategies, so within some future month" I will try to change them with suitable and experence staff and others related works force of respected organization. But wise, able and effecients chief executive, chairman and directors try at once and deney to complete such type of tasks, hiring, firing and resign policies.
Yes mobile phone policy" how to use mobile phone set during duty hours? "Should be develop by all chairman, chief executive and directors".
Watching" porn sex videos" ,"xx videos" ,"xxx videos" ,"xxxx videos" ,"porn stuff" ,from internet, from YouTube, from Facebook and direct from" Google search" is not good habits for top level management. Yes all those people who make decisions and policies for work force some forget to know about" himself or herself" what they do during duty hours.


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