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"Porn videos and our health"


This age is the age of technology.Now a day's we are using many different thing,many modern and sophisticate things, material,machinery, tools,instruments, and much more electronic very small size' weapons' .we are using very large size TV,high capacity AC,we are traveling in AC coach,we are flying in air in very large aeroplane.On the other side,we are using very small size' Mobile set,Mobile phones'.Yes, all these facilities for us.We are using all these facilities accordance with our financial conditions,If we are rich we are using very costly mobile set,if someone poor using Mobile set some less costly.Now question,it is need, need of time,it is fashion,it has some right and wrong, effect and reactions,dark side and light side,and side effects are different.
Everyone who has electronic screen/ touch screen, use media,electronic media.On tv we enjoy films,drama,entertainment programs,music shows,religious programs, songs,but all these are timely.think about' internet'.In these days it's access is available every where in the world.On internet' social medis'is in full actions. Only at one click away,for us' porn videos' blueprint films,porn stars interview,Live cam for porn and live videos.x,xx,xxx,x xxx porn video's. even porn hubs, are available at internet.Much worse porn material in lying on'pornographic websites'It's search is not difficult.only connect with internet connection. Get access to any 'search engine' such as' Google,Bang,Yahoo,Opera mini,Opera browser,YouTube,and only write in search required website click on search,relevant materials appear on screen.Now watch and enjoy.It is not associated with your age, race, colour,sex,nation, it is for all.Always remember it all depends on your own interests, at your own wishes. Nothing wrong here,its use make wrong."Internet on mobile phones" has it advantages and disadvantages.very young child are serfering internet on mobile screen.some time they watch' porn videos,and pornographic pictures. These can damage theirs health,mental conditions,thinking power,brain stimulations and in this way their future will become darken.It is the duty and responsibility of gardien, parents, and teachers to teach young generation about the side effects of intentnet.Although there are so positive effects of intentnet.it is the source of knowledge and informations for students,business persons,for doctors and patients,for formers to Labours.Now think abut it uses.
One day I was traveling in a night coach,on my front seat a beautiful and pretty white colour young girl was watching entertainment on'Facebook' .Because she was in front of me and sometimes my eyes. Struck with her mobile phone screen.On Facebook she was watching' porn videos,Stunner of the day,GGirls.On her mobile screen there was porn videos,porn pictures and naked, cloths free girls,white big blobs,shinning pussy,big ass.
Yes on social media every one inter,leave some material for others.some time it is garbage.it is poisons,and it is' brain death warrants' ,some time it is cause of importance,regular watching of' porn videos' can cause a shame, shame for you from wife, girlfriend or from husband and boyfrien.Read on newspapers,watch tv,turn fingures pore on magazines papers, or search on internet, why family relationships are broken,why divorce rate is high now,why family ties are misspent,why happiness disappeared from our life.Side effects of social media are revolving? ???
Yes one watch" sex in action scene" from internet and trial these all on her wife or at girlfriend.some time one watch again and again such scenes and make to use regain for enjoying and satisfying sex requirements. Human body weakness appears from here.
So please avoid to watch porn videos from internet on mobile phones screens ,laptops and on your computer.


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