To born in poor condition, no matter,but die in poor state is a curse.Now if you are poor no matter,do some business and become rich.If you are educated,if you have any kind of skill you can earn some money.if you have money and want to invest, please invest in the business of patches of land,buy some eatible material and sell it on profit.Always invest on education and getting training. That will cause much money for you in future.These all are timely issues and can bring pleasurs for you.
Unfortunately every one like to be employwe of any famous organization,in export/ import firm,any reputed manufacturing unit.yes,highly qualified and well educated person like to join highly payable services.As MBA's like to work at suitable posts and earn some more than others.They like to discharge their duties at middle or top level position.
But Always remember" own business" is much better than joining the services of others.Very small business of match box is better than the service of three stars General in army, it is much better than a manager working at top position of any banking sectors.If one is owner of match box business, he will transfer complete businesses arrangement to sons.The sons can increase match box business to automobile industry.On the other side a top level general can not transfer any kind of service to his son,daughter,wife,brother or any family member,
If you want to become very rich person in future start any kind of business.Make effective plans for your business.Turn your small business in to very large portfolio.You feel satisfaction from your business will not feel any tiredness from your business is better than any kind of job position.Fature can show you a richest person of the world.
Education can not make you richest person of the world, but education can increase/ improve your abilities.with education you can get better results,much knowledge, New information, tasks completed actions, and money,that's only for your both ends meat.Think,richest person of the world they all are not highly qualified,but they have a much amount of money.Businesses provide chance to earn much amount of money.
If you are unemploye person and searching for for job.leave the searching job positions and circulate in any business,accordance with your financial,work and more work.First set your' goals' ,make planning and strategy for your business.Think about formulating strategies for your business,implementing strategies on your business, evaluating strategies for your business.But here' goals'must be SMART.
YES only business can increase your wealth,improve your health,can shine you family can enjoy with your money any where.
Children are like flowers, as flowers are lovely, as young children are liked by every body, especially very young children are lovely and loved by father, mother, elder sisters and brothers and all others close relatives. Maybe, there are in this world who dislike young childerns. And no home is a" complete home" without children or kids, because the home is the" name" of a family and no family complete without some childerns. So childerns are basic unit of family. About these difficulties know only those parents, who have no child in their home. Without childerns" a home" look like a jungle, where nobody want to attend some kind of events. If you are parents of some young childerns and want to produce some more child, yes this news is very happy news, because your family size will increase, your enjoyment will also increase, yes such situations increase your life and future life days. Remember parents always live" with/ for best and excellent hopp...