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"Students and health"

If you are students,if you are studying in any class,if you are studying in school,college or in a university,always remember your first and foremost duty is'always monitor your health'always think about your health''always regulate your health properly.If your health is safe and sound,if you are healthy,if your smart and clean,if your eleven systems in your body are working properly,Your brain will pick all kinds of knowledge,informations and all kinds of relevents skills,you can stand first in your class.All others,your teachers,father,mother,sistera,brothers,youe relatives,even your neighbours can respects you,only if your are able,efficient,bright and active.This is only possible with one reason,with one situation,with one circumtances,with one term and conditions'are you healthy'.what is 'standerd'of your health.You think about your health,but what are measurements.How much you take care about you health.All these not stop here.Further inquaries include,every day and regular exercise,health improving habits,your food conditions and requirementa,every day for your body calories ans much more associated with these congnties.
Please,letus pause,but why ?.Yes,think about a healthy weak student,whos helth is not well,have some disorders in body,one has whooping cough,feavour,magreen,indigestions,defficiency of vitamin A,B,C,D,E or any other problem associted with his /her body.Can he or she learn leassons by heart regularley or he or she put he concentration on medicines such as on capsules,tablets,on syreps or at injections.MAYBE these illness associated with food,water,dirty environment,wrong society,sexual dissorder.Yes it maybe associated with negative thinking,uncomplete sleepy,or some other conditions.(All these dependon individual own situations/conditions)and these are different for all others.Always remember all these are cureable.
As a student you monitor your health,your health problems,your health disorder regulerly.your family doctor can guide better than me.But you must concious about your health during 'Exeminations periods'.Before your 'date sheet'appear on 'internet'.you should/must sttend your doctor.Expert specialist will eximine and observe your health condition and suggest you some execellent instructions.Doctor will check your blood pressure,heart beating,body tempereture,and write some treatment for you.This cure can improve you secure in exemination hall,your final results and papers marks.
Always remembers only those students can make better and brillent future,those helth is safe and sound.who think'health is wealth'.First health than all other activities of life."Execelent wisdom is in execelent body".If you feel a bit little pain in your body,please not negelect,take much care,and soon attend your doctor


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