What about to our relations?
Our relations with others and with our relatives starts with our first day life and continue for a long period of our life till death. During our life period, like every body, wish to have long period and long term relationship with others. As a young baby starts his or her life from mother pouch,first young baby relations with his or her mother are very lovely. There is no pious and clear relations batter than mother and son or daughter relations. When a young baby grow and increase the forward steps of his or her life day then his or her lovely relations increase with his or her lovely mother.
After some years when a baby grew and reach at the age of understanding about the environment, where he or she is growing ,the environmental affects decease the world of lovely relations with mother,father,with sisters and with brothers,Even a stage across his or her life when every relation went in darkness rows and only sexy relationships are in front of his or her. May be these are worse effects of growing age.when age increase some relations disappear,but please always remember and kindly deeply observe the lovey relations between mothers and son or daughters.A mother Care her baby very kindly but when mother become old,her young leave her in desperate conditions. Why? And Why?.Because a son or a daughter ignore the basic rights and first and foremost responsibilities.
Sexy relationship have no importance to sacrifices the basic rights and foremost duties.As a human being our Lord put in our sole some duties,responsibilities and pious rights.
For our sexy relationships we sacrifice our basic and fundamental rights,yes her answer will be no.
Furthermore sexy relationships are timely relations remember when heat of sex disappear, lovely relations look likes a flowers,But again when sexual heat is over a proper scale our eyes can watch only darkness here and there till with sexual relations the sexual heat disappear from his or her hot flesh body.
Remember sexual relations have no bright future and successful future days but lovely and pious relations have bright and successful future.Yes if you not bleave on these options then please observe the reality of society.
What about to our relations?
Our relations with others and with our relatives starts with our first day life and continue for a long period of our life till death. During our life period, like every body, wish to have long period and long term relationship with others. As a young baby starts his or her life from mother pouch,first young baby relations with his or her mother are very lovely. There is no pious and clear relations batter than mother and son or daughter relations. When a young baby grow and increase the forward steps of his or her life day then his or her lovely relations increase with his or her lovely mother.
After some years when a baby grew and reach at the age of understanding about the environment, where he or she is growing ,the environmental affects decease the world of lovely relations with mother,father,with sisters and with brothers,Even a stage across his or her life when every relation went in darkness rows and only sexy relationships are in front of his or her. May be these are worse effects of growing age.when age increase some relations disappear,but please always remember and kindly deeply observe the lovey relations between mothers and son or daughters.A mother Care her baby very kindly but when mother become old,her young leave her in desperate conditions. Why? And Why?.Because a son or a daughter ignore the basic rights and first and foremost responsibilities.
Sexy relationship have no importance to sacrifices the basic rights and foremost duties.As a human being our Lord put in our sole some duties,responsibilities and pious rights.
For our sexy relationships we sacrifice our basic and fundamental rights,yes her answer will be no.
Furthermore sexy relationships are timely relations remember when heat of sex disappear, lovely relations look likes a flowers,But again when sexual heat is over a proper scale our eyes can watch only darkness here and there till with sexual relations the sexual heat disappear from his or her hot flesh body.
Remember sexual relations have no bright future and successful future days but lovely and pious relations have bright and successful future.Yes if you not bleave on these options then please observe the reality of society.
Although norms ,customs and rites are very different in the different societies of the world,but lovely and pious relations are same evey where in the world.