one of my classfellow doctor is researching on "human body overweight and causes"he is writing his researc work still in raw paper .i think these are very authentic, because he is spending days and night in solving the over body weight causes and prevention.last i assist him in calculating data,from that raw data some fects and figures are as under,
he chooses 50females and 50males,whos weight was over 150 and between 240kg and age from 40years to 55years.Main solvent provided was two teas,one was black and other was green tea.because these teas are have different colors but effects on over human body weight are same.these two teas has antioxidant effects,it mean exta and raw or free redical are absorbed by these teas chemical,in over human body weight exta fate layers are melt slowly and teas chemical absorb by antioxidant found in these two kind of teas.furthermore these teas are found good and effective remedies in some brain disorders.So my friend doctor Mr,QUASH provided five cups of tea to these over body weighted patients,more than five caps daily ,every after two hours,in first twelve day in 24hours,but during this research period some patient lost sleeping.so treatment interval was limited till first 14hours of day.after every two hours all patients are weighted.the data was record on 30 coloumns. the main heading with tea effects on human over body weight, After 16Days following results are recorded, some of them informations are as under,

  • all over body weighted patients looses one to two kilograms weight.no other health related side effects are found,only unsleepy causes are recorded in 7% patients,skin related illness was also recover and her skin colour are brighted much more better than her was before,three patients were ill with cancer.but their cancer problems were not recove,only over body weight decrease till one kilogram.the over body weight age scale results/informations are found much better in near future when all experiment are completed by my friend doctor.but over body weighted patients" age proforma" indicates, with increasing of age time period.human body weight increase, but in early age overweight causes are seldom found,only much peosperious nations,such as in past in usa baby boomers,or where, there is food eating scale is large as in some arabians countries,.So every body take tea every day one or two cup daily,if these two caps of tea are increases  four to five caps of tea daily,it can improve ovet body weight, it can cure other health related problems such heart problems,brain weakness problems, some skin disorder,so be care about your own health and visit your doctor and ask to help decreasing over body weight with tea.it will be your treatment,it will be your breakfast.it will be your zeel and zest,it is very excellent remedy for your hear disorder and other related problems,when all raw data will be converted in to informatic data , that all will be presented to you,and for you,no much future but it may be soon.if you regularly study my overy body weighted related blogs,you will be able to study. some other related fects , such as
  • fruits thats are good for decreasing human body weight, 
  • foods that's are found excellent in decreasing very high body weight,
  • exercise, and daily exercise that can improve your health and also improve/decrease your ovey body weight
  • light working can also decrease you over body weight, but this must be regular for much future time period.
  • positive thinking can cause some improvements.
  • (Avoid)Some foods that can increase your body weight.
  • about some kinds of snakes and cold drinks,how these can increase you body weight, 
  • computerised data of over weight  people, their habits
  • sleeping and human over body weight.
please regular study my blogs on blogger,


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