How you can DECREASE your WEIGHT Skip to main content

How you can DECREASE your WEIGHT

Although there are so many ways of loosin over weighted kilogram of human body,but all are not completely authentic,one of them all is loosing over weight is surgery, in this loosing body weight, some extra fate layers are remove from human body.this method is very dangerous and life thretending process,.once surgery process conpleted in any surgical unit.much care is needed to recover the  over weighted patients, more so later life depends on medicines. that's all have some sideaffects.this means this process in not reliable.only to live for some days future life.
be note here,there are some other methods. that can improve overweight of human body Much more our habits can improve our health and out fitness. always remembers exercise can affects your health.regular exercise can cause you body to hold smart strecture.
There are eleven systems are working, these all systems are coordinating with each othet at every movement of our life.from all these eleventh systems, if one system not perform functions properly others related system will disturb,than entire human functions Will disturb,Furthermore exercise can regulate human body blood flow system.
Always be eat balance diet,which mean your food contents must contain proper minerals and vitamins, vegetables ans pluses have good effects on human health.
please be caution.after one are two  weight your whole body,write on paper for some good results of over your conscious Will awake.your mind will set directions,
if you are working on any chair setting job,as a clerk or must walk some distance every day after every meal.Now i want to tell you my own story of my over weight.about three years ago my age was 40years,and my weight was 114kg,i was very upset due to my over weighting.i travel here and there on specialist doctors,so best of my tries,but results was on zeroo scale.once i try to go in india for surgical process,but my friends not allow me to go there for surgical process.they all nourish me about to research process for loosing my weight.After my friends councils, i agree todo resear work.
I start to study different books of nutrition.i completed meeting with doctors and others related persons,i also meet with over weighted persons imperatively.puck hints
how to decrease human body ovet weight.whole sum results,how i decrease my own weight,  in one years more than 35kg,


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