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my picture

sometime  when we are  free, when we are in happy mood,our brain automatically snapped some pictures of past,present  and of future. some time these images,pictures, photos,and sceans are so awesome that screen of our brain become panorama.And we enjoy these scenes, but may be temporarily,sometimes I think these are dreams.some time I think it is reality. but all these pictures are stuck with our thinking.routine wise circles..but we can't ignore these panoramic events.can we call these day dreams,yes or not,may be a psychologist will/can guide us for further future consequences.but still
think about yourself,abut your own internal environment.our thinking.our behaviour.much more our "positive thinking" and our "habits"our" relation with other.OH ,YES,same is true for my this young picture. when I was young,a young man.we , some boys and girls was in class nine,in those days i was famous hand writer.My hand writing was very awasome.ever my class fellow boy or girl puck his or her coppy and  ask me to write her or his name on that copy first of my classfellow girl name was Naheed,very handsome, pretty and smart girl from all other,s my classfellows,I am remembering now,One day she come in school with some flowing  things
A makeup hand bag
A beautiful  hand watch
A bag of colour ful nail polish, all awasome colours,blue, red,yellow,violet, black,skin,green,and some unforgettable colour,
A cup of ice cream (but that was melt because there was very hot season)
some other things
I was setting separate in front of our class room,she come and sat with me,and ask me to write her sweet name on her beautiful and white soft hand. first of all I hesitated, what she is asking to me, and delay to write her name on her hand,but as soon as possible, she tried her best to convince me,I complete her request soon,because after some time our other classmates will arrive and first disturb us, second they joke on us,because our society not accept such kind of love tricks, .Now I am remembering very clearly,what was her demond, what was her wishes and wants. Again she requested to me write her name on het hand,and at same time offer me
"a photo with her"from her sonny camera. that with other thing she brought with her from home for completing  her wishes. because at that time we were only two there,and there was no any else who snaps or catch our picture together, so we agree to ,first she snaps my picture.and after this I try to snaps  her picture,all these process was completed only in some minutes. "Above same picture is that"
after our love arose up,and we were near merrage ceremony,but her parents denay and she was married with her cussion who now living in USA and discharging his duties as a professor in world famous college, .please will you like to hear about my this picture,after some month, summer vocations start,and I put this my picture  in  one of my book,and forcotton for so may years.bit her picture was in my brain,and was shining, as was in those day,when our love start.
it is the age of social Media, on Facebook her request arrived on my friend search. I accept as a stranger, but when she told me about her,about her school,about the names of our classfellows,about out teachers, about school day ,and MUCH MORE about this picture,than I remember, and search this my picture from  my so old  books bundle, now she is 45years old, I am also same, I am still single and she mother of three boys,while I am writing  these lines about my so old picture, my all sensitive body parts are weeping  very bitterly, she was my first love,she was my life,she was my whole some,she was my best friend, But her parents was stubborn, they not accept me for her daughter,
so I am still single, and will die single. if NAHEED  study these lines,again remember me those schools day,when I gifted her with a "school bag"and with a" hand bag"
Always remember when, when we together go to school, and once I kissed you, what was love,where is love,where are all promise,and now.where are you and where I am
and please, please ,please, please think about my life,my life day,that, have been passed, with out you,
I come alone,and I will  go alone
but your some words can DECREASE  my life pain,


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