How you can enjoy sex with girlfriend Skip to main content

How you can enjoy sex with girlfriend

it was time when i was studying in a famou s medical college.My major subject was SEXOLOGY.after studying five years and so long period.Now it was good and enough time to me/for me to sat infront of my computer screen and watched different videos about my study field.because my study field was very different but very close related to human problems.My head instructor was very world famous sexologist. who spent much of his life in treating the sex disorder in diverse societies.when one day when he was in very good mood.he choosed topic. HOW TO ENJOY SEX WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND. the heading was very interesting.he further quated,complete so research papers on this famous heading.NOW.Many years have been passed.i search those papers from my old books almerah.and those all for all also go with me for  distance of one month.and enjoy for studying these research papers with me.all tips and guidelines for you.and for  securing your future.
these all papers are now in book.and now infront of me.but  first and foremost. ,i will try to summarised some main points,
some of them are as under
for enjoying sex with your wife or girlfriend your health must be safe and sound.please if necessary complete your medical chechup form any medical specialist.and take some tips for enjoying sex with your life partner.if your health is good, first time iinterval will increase much more extent.and pleasure from sex will be enjoyable.much more your different health related disorders will improve soon after enjoyable your sleeping interval will improve,your stomic will feel calam and digestive system will improve.much more your Brian will feel first excitement and after relaxation positive thinking power will increase.if your health is very safe and sound then after sex interval your blood flow will be regulated some hormones.and coloyr of your skin will clear.
so during making kissmiss,you must be in happy mood,.some people try to do some sex action soon after eating some food or drink of is very bad habit.please Always ignore from it entire your life.


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