Love and girls -
when I was a child i was afraid of cats and dogs.I think maybe they bite me, while during my early age our neighbors had pet of a white colour big dog,but in my early life I not tried to touch the hairy skin of that dog.because I afraid of that dog.once early in the morning, when I attended my neighbors home, the dog was enjoying eating some food.when I come across the dog,he become angery. and harsh sound with angery noise appear,than I ran those days my thinking was very poor about dogs and cats,.may be I was still young, But,when one day we some friends to gather going to school, we watched a black colour dog and white colour butch,they were stuck with each other from back side,my friends through stone on them,,but still they are togather,but in those days, we all friends not know, dog and birch are busy in enjoying sex early in the morning. and that was very bad habit to through stones on them,because they disturbed during their sex process,when we reached in school, we...
sometime when we are free, when we are in happy mood,our brain automatically snapped some pictures of past,present and of future. some time these images,pictures, photos,and sceans are so awesome that screen of our brain become panorama.And we enjoy these scenes, but may be temporarily,sometimes I think these are dreams.some time I think it is reality. but all these pictures are stuck with our thinking.routine wise circles..but we can't ignore these panoramic events.can we call these day dreams,yes or not,may be a psychologist will/can guide us for further future consequences.but still think about yourself,abut your own internal environment.our thinking.our behaviour.much more our "positive thinking" and our "habits"our" relation with other.OH ,YES,same is true for my this young picture. when I was young,a young man.we , some boys and girls was in class nine,in those days i was famous hand writer.My hand writing was very awasome.ever my class fellow b...
one of my classfellow doctor is researching on "human body overweight and causes"he is writing his researc work still in raw paper .i think these are very authentic, because he is spending days and night in solving the over body weight causes and prevention.last i assist him in calculating data,from that raw data some fects and figures are as under, he chooses 50females and 50males,whos weight was over 150 and between 240kg and age from 40years to 55years.Main solvent provided was two teas,one was black and other was green tea.because these teas are have different colors but effects on over human body weight are same.these two teas has antioxidant effects,it mean exta and raw or free redical are absorbed by these teas chemical,in over human body weight exta fate layers are melt slowly and teas chemical absorb by antioxidant found in these two kind of teas.furthermore these teas are found good and effective remedies in some brain disorders.So my friend doctor Mr,QUASH provid...
it was time when i was studying in a famou s medical college.My major subject was SEXOLOGY.after studying five years and so long period.Now it was good and enough time to me/for me to sat infront of my computer screen and watched different videos about my study field.because my study field was very different but very close related to human problems.My head instructor was very world famous sexologist. who spent much of his life in treating the sex disorder in diverse societies.when one day when he was in very good mood.he choosed topic. HOW TO ENJOY SEX WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND. the heading was very interesting.he further quated,complete so research papers on this famous heading.NOW.Many years have been passed.i search those papers from my old books almerah.and those all for all also go with me for distance of one month.and enjoy for studying these research papers with me.all tips and guidelines for you.and for securing your future. these all papers are now in book.and ...
Although there are so many ways of loosin over weighted kilogram of human body,but all are not completely authentic,one of them all is loosing over weight is surgery, in this loosing body weight, some extra fate layers are remove from human body.this method is very dangerous and life thretending process,.once surgery process conpleted in any surgical unit.much care is needed to recover the over weighted patients, more so later life depends on medicines. that's all have some sideaffects.this means this process in not reliable.only to live for some days future life. be note here,there are some other methods. that can improve overweight of human body Much more our habits can improve our health and out fitness. always remembers exercise can affects your health.regular exercise can cause you body to hold smart strecture. There are eleven systems are working, these all systems are coordinating with each othet at every movement of our life.from all these eleventh systems, if one syste...