You know what is our precious and rare thing Skip to main content

You know what is our precious and rare thing

Here everything for us is precious and costly. Yes we all love with everything as that we own, that is our property or we get that thing from our ancestors. But one thing, of that we ignore many times is our" health" .Yes our health is very precious much more than gold or any very costly material. How much we think about our own health per day, per week, or per year. Or everyday what is our feelings and thinking about our health as we sit on our breakfast table, dinner table or at our lunch table. What thing we are eating and how much we are eating at one time. Is our foods calories exceeds then the requirements of per day heat consuming calories. If once such happen where our extra heat calories will be absorbe. Are we choose our foods as our surroundings and environment entirely friendly with these. Are we eating overflow and we think our stomic will absorbed that food ingredients easily or that food stuff remain undigestive for log time period and cause bad air for us. Or we write everyday about our foods ingredients what are best for our body health. We have any paper and written work about our health. .
Remember and always remember over eating is very very bed habits and over eating cause obesity for you. If your body weight is over that cause decrease in your age and extra weight of your body can cause early death. So please don't eat much on your eating table. Always leave some hunger back.
If some body want to look like a young boys then first and foremost think about his or her eating habits. If somebody wish to live long here in this world then he or she change eating habits. For improving health and health related fects always please consult with food experts and foods technologist. Because an expert will guide you about food stuff better than any other person. Clean your teeth everyday after every meal. After eating some stuff please walk some feet but running on some distance is very excellent. Remember excellent health starts from nice and excellent eating habits and if eating habits are favourable than your health must not be down in future life days. Moderation in eating habits is must.
Some persons eat what foods stuff they face in any time of the day or night. They not think the stomic is full with previous foods stuff and this is over eating. Remember always think about your foods stuff because the foods stuff is responsible for your future health. If some body become ill then he or she will spend much amount of money for improving his or her health. If some one is healthy, one can earn money but with money one only can improve his or her damage health. Remember with good foods stuff you can improve you health. Try to gain informations and knowledge searching from internet. Only write your requirements in search box and then please search button. Some foods experts and foods technologist writes on blogger and other social media platforms. Some guides books and hands books are available from markets. If somebody like to gain informations and knowledge then he or she must regular study health related books. "Fresh fruits and our health" , "Vegatables and our health" , "Dry fruits and our health" , "Eggs and human health" , "Exercise and human health" , Leaves and human health" , such kids of books are available from markets. Only once buy suitable books and study that book for whole of month. Why we waist of precious time in watching" porn sex video" ," xx video ","xxx video" ,"xxxx video" ,".http;//


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