http;//bashir73i.blogspot.comOnce a wise person said,
If once blood pressure increase while facing poor persons and blood pressure decrease while facing with rich person,yes this not symbols of increasing or decreasing blood pressure.These are the symbols of proud.If such situations occur with any body mind conditions he or she should attend the some experts of nuerology and doctors of psychology.As a honest one he or she must not attend any Alopathic doctors because there is not treatment for proun please be remember there are no injection,no tablets,no capsules for the treatment of proud.All human beings are equell and need same kind of dealing.So not becom harsh for poors and so sweet for rich persons.As every body know there nor reademy or proper treatment available for some proud habits.But blood pressure is blood disorder not mind illment.
If once blood pressure increase while facing poor persons and blood pressure decrease while facing with rich person,yes this not symbols of increasing or decreasing blood pressure.These are the symbols of proud.If such situations occur with any body mind conditions he or she should attend the some experts of nuerology and doctors of psychology.As a honest one he or she must not attend any Alopathic doctors because there is not treatment for proun please be remember there are no injection,no tablets,no capsules for the treatment of proud.All human beings are equell and need same kind of dealing.So not becom harsh for poors and so sweet for rich persons.As every body know there nor reademy or proper treatment available for some proud habits.But blood pressure is blood disorder not mind illment.
Yes if you are cheif executive or if you are top leavels managers in any top world product manufecturing organization deal all your suordinates with your kind behavior.If you are rich person deal poor persons with full sympathy. Poor will not remain poors whole life and rich persons can oberve dark days in future life time period.Our dealing is our character and if character loase all thing loase.Once again i repeat the famous sying of wise person.If you study these lines please think for a while and tell to your faiends and family members "not be proudy in your life.If you have some time please share on social media such as "Twetter", and "facebook", and some others socials medias.
If you face with poor and then your blood pressure increase, but when you face rich person then your blood pressure decrease ,yes you are not patient of blood pressure but you are patient of proud.Your treatment is not available with chemicals and with medicines but you must doze yourself with "character improving" remedies.And such kind of remedies may available from some psychologists.