Oh You know about this saying Skip to main content

Oh You know about this saying

You know that
Human brain is very active part of body.Human brain feel,thing and detect every sensitivity suddenly but only and only before merriage.But after merrage our brain becom dull and sluggish.After merrage when one will attend her wife compney decreasing start at once.After some years when child enter in home through the source of wife, brain feel charming and happiness.But remember wife is a warm and germ that suck the blood of husband and regullery such blood without happiness.A time will come when you will look at your wife and her body will appear as dark and dim.
If you have a girlfriend then this will also not only suck your blood but also weightlessness your pocket.Although she will attend day and night dreams and disturb your night sleeping.Some expert and schelors says,without money a girlfriend will prove white elephent.Now brain will dull and dim.When your girlfriend demond for shopping,request for some costly gifts then what results will appear before you,your eyes will observe darkness and your brain will feel shock and shock of electrict current of 11kv.You can fell down on earth.Now people will laugh at you.
Some wise persons says,three points are important to watch and observe ,these three are as under,
Husband always watch others wifes carefylly.
Wifes always whatc very carefully others cars,others home and others money packe.
No life without wife. But wife is a bitter pill and dangerious posion.Every body once,twice or thrice eat these pills and bear those side effects entire future life.One of my friend selsct life partner for any "girls dating sites", or from "woman dating sites", but now in these days he wonderfully neglecting all duties and responsibilities from wife side.Now a days he only enjoy sex with wife and give him a gift of child every year.Now the total number of boys and girls are twelve.Yes he tried to prepared a cricket team from own home.Now he further claimed that he targeted his wife during first marrage night one and half dozen childern.Still there are only twelve childern she born.he says,six more childern and for these six new babies he enjoy sex with his wife three to five time per weak and increasing sex driving time using "Effrodozic medicine", such "proviron", and "Vega100", during sexual intercourse.In these days his wife is preggnent and she will deliver young baby after five month.


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