Here everything for us is precious and costly. Yes we all love with everything as that we own, that is our property or we get that thing from our ancestors. But one thing, of that we ignore many times is our" health" .Yes our health is very precious much more than gold or any very costly material. How much we think about our own health per day, per week, or per year. Or everyday what is our feelings and thinking about our health as we sit on our breakfast table, dinner table or at our lunch table. What thing we are eating and how much we are eating at one time. Is our foods calories exceeds then the requirements of per day heat consuming calories. If once such happen where our extra heat calories will be absorbe. Are we choose our foods as our surroundings and environment entirely friendly with these. Are we eating overflow and we think our stomic will absorbed that food ingredients easily or that food stuff remain undigestive for log time period and cause bad air for us. O...
Success cannot come in your feets through some ways but achieving success in your future life requires regular brainstorming and regular positive.As holy book say"you can get,for what you can try.Choose/select suitable and interested field for you succes and forword your first step.For excellent brainstorming please choose a seperate point where you can set alone and all surrounding environment must be noise five sensitive must be point at one topic.when you will set all alone at lonely place your brainstorming will be at the point where your first point of success start. Always remember our whole life depends on only two words .Here one word is "Success", and related word is"failure",.If you reguler brainstorm on these two words you can face success in your future life. http;//
You know that Human brain is very active part of body.Human brain feel,thing and detect every sensitivity suddenly but only and only before merriage.But after merrage our brain becom dull and sluggish.After merrage when one will attend her wife compney decreasing start at once.After some years when child enter in home through the source of wife, brain feel charming and happiness.But remember wife is a warm and germ that suck the blood of husband and regullery such blood without happiness.A time will come when you will look at your wife and her body will appear as dark and dim. If you have a girlfriend then this will also not only suck your blood but also weightlessness your pocket.Although she will attend day and night dreams and disturb your night sleeping.Some expert and schelors says,without money a girlfriend will prove white elephent.Now brain will dull and dim.When your girlfriend demond for shopping,request for some costly gifts then what results will appear before you,your ...
In these days young generation is surfing internet and much of time waste in watching "porn videos", "xx videos", "xxx videos", "xxxx videos", and some young guys like to watch "black porn videos", "White porn videos", from search engiens.May be more than half internet user once or twice per day waste some time for watching sexy material from internet.Not only boys like to watch porn sex videos but girls are also like to watch such kind of videos from internet.In these days the common use of mobile phone internet this wrong habits appear in every society of the world.In these days young child are surfing internet on mobile phone.Watching porn sex from internet cause many disorders in our body,and especially brain suddenly accept wrong suggestion and penis erect atonce.Not the treatment for hot and tight penis is soft and wety vegina in which hot penis and when becom cool get it out from softy and wety pussy.If such kind of ac...
http;// Once a wise person said, If once blood pressure increase while facing poor persons and blood pressure decrease while facing with rich person,yes this not symbols of increasing or decreasing blood pressure.These are the symbols of proud.If such situations occur with any body mind conditions he or she should attend the some experts of nuerology and doctors of psychology.As a honest one he or she must not attend any Alopathic doctors because there is not treatment for proun please be remember there are no injection,no tablets,no capsules for the treatment of proud.All human beings are equell and need same kind of dealing.So not becom harsh for poors and so sweet for rich persons.As every body know there nor reademy or proper treatment available for some proud habits.But blood pressure is blood disorder not mind illment. Yes if you are cheif executive or if you are top leavels managers in any top world product manufecturing organization deal all your suord...