How we are spending our life precious days. Are we wasting our time in extra and unimportant activities. We must/ should think about of our everyday. How many good deeds, wrong acts are performed by me. Our neighbours, our relatives, our teachers are quite happy with us. We speak truth every day. Our family members, our parents, our brothers and sisters are satisfied with/ from our routeen wise acts, or some of our acts are raising conflicts among some others members. Every day of our life is precious and golden day, if we think about our passing life days. Always remember our life days are floating over death and over wast death ground. Are we know at what day Our death will occur, no. Yes no one know about his or her death day? .But good deeds is this world can cause our future generations remembetness.
Oh young people! Becom pious, honourable, respectable and respectful. If you will think good for other's, others will think good about your. Your thoughts must be clear, clean and pious.. your thinking should be positive, not negative. Learn more about deeds and good acts from other, from religious books. Furthermore it is aera of" information technology "from internet" search on any search engine like, Google, Yahoo, bang, and also on" YouTube" for your life days improving tips. Always watch videos and join cheat room for learning something for your information, knowledge and improving your life days. Yes come or enter to learn and leave to teach others.
Children are like flowers, as flowers are lovely, as young children are liked by every body, especially very young children are lovely and loved by father, mother, elder sisters and brothers and all others close relatives. Maybe, there are in this world who dislike young childerns. And no home is a" complete home" without children or kids, because the home is the" name" of a family and no family complete without some childerns. So childerns are basic unit of family. About these difficulties know only those parents, who have no child in their home. Without childerns" a home" look like a jungle, where nobody want to attend some kind of events. If you are parents of some young childerns and want to produce some more child, yes this news is very happy news, because your family size will increase, your enjoyment will also increase, yes such situations increase your life and future life days. Remember parents always live" with/ for best and excellent hopp...