As a young how you develop yourself Skip to main content

As a young how you develop yourself

As a young boy your first and foremost duty is completely devote your self for your regular study. Please complete your school home work routeen wise. Your school attendance must be whole of the year, except holidays. Think always positively. There are duties and rights on your shoulders, please act upon all those. There are duties and rights of your neighbours, teachers, parents, elders, leaders, sisters and brothers, please complete and act upon all those. Don't hearm any one. Do not harsh on other's. Always remember to love all human beings. All have sense, thinking, wants, demonds, and wishes, like and dislikes, like you. So always respect other's. I observed you like playing games, please continue playing games but must remember, don't waste your time on playing games. Regulate your life with time period. So play games only one or two hours daily. Think about your hand writing, it is jullery of any student. Try to improve it. Don't pollute your environment, please keep it safe. Always eat well and fresh.
Don't eat previous extra food. Always keep your health safe and sound, in this way your brain will work properly. Complete your sleeping period daily, this will improve your mental health, improve your thinking power. Always keep clean yourself. Always remember in this age you can improve your communication power, your body and tongue taste must be polite. Always think before you speak. Always compare yourself with your school fellows. Neat and clean children are always respected everywhere. Your school uniform, school shoose, other school accessories must be well standard as compared with other students. Computer learning is necessity of our this age. So try to learn still basic principles of information technology. But in future try to learn computer programming languages like c computer language, php programming, html programming, go programming, cSharp, Oracle language, learn about' SEO, WEBSITE DESIGNING, WEBSITE DEVELOPING, ANDROID STUDIO ,VIDEOS EDITOR. "LEAR HOW TO MAKE MONERY ON LINE"


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