This is the age of technology,we all are familer with social media techniques,working,and good,bade effects.facebook is very famous in everywhere in the world.like this other social media,every one is using such as whatsup.snapechat,eskimi,email chat,related chatrooms,we spent some time there.we make friends,especially girlfriends,we enjoy from chat with strangers,friends and family members.here we exchange informations,knowledge and experences.we watch videos on youtube,we watch live channals there.we upload live videos on youtube ,and aske them share with public and friends.Now a days mobile set,common every where and connected with internet connection.on mobile phone same kinds of facilities as on computers , labtops.and it is cheap source of informations.On mobile phones we can enjoy live chat,lives calla,face to face conversations.we can watch pictire and live picture of our friends,family members on the 4 or more inches screen of our mobile phone.But,unfotunately,there are fraudes business conspricies stories appears on social media.Some gyes,who like to make girlfriends,put the picture of beautiful girl on social media account.Maybe his goal is here to make much girls friends on social media,enjoy chat with her,makes jokes with her,request merrage with her.exchange sexy informations with her,and also make her some foule.this is only due to one his picture.maybe some boys like to take the compney of girls.one day i was on facebook chat.a Namal Namal,with girl picture appear on my LG F240 Screen.when i watch her profile,about het,all was as,as a girl.byway,bychance,i started chat with her.All her manners was like girls.in all chat words,she declear her as a she.After only five minutes her wishes,wants,and demond started.she first requested me,for a "mobile phone"with thats qualities such as screen size,touch conditions,name of mobile phone such as"Nokia"or"Samsung"and that must me" s6"and other but musy be precious.she again requested to me for 100 pk rupees SIM BALANCE.MAKE. REQUEST FORWORD"she will accept much more gifts from me,but first is mobile set and 100 pk rupees balance.She was very excited,because i foolish was chating with her(infect with him)chat time was increasing.i was becoming late from my office duty.i request her to stop chat only for some time,i rejion you soon after one hour.After this i take my breakfast and ready to go my office.when i reach in office,Mrs Nail Smith was present there,and my secretery was busy on chat with "Nama Namal"here she was again a young and pretty girl.and was requesting to Mrs smith for mobile balane.she told to smith,she is ill,she is poor,she has no gardian to sport her fancially.so smith loaded her some balance.here , we aske her to jion us on "imo" or 'immo'.oh yes.when we watch his(only some hours ago ,he was 'She but now.appear as 'he'),a very black coloue picture,
So please aware of fraudes from social media.tell to your childerns not to attend chatroom on internet.it is full of right and wrong creatures.there are pious man,there are also robbers.so be please "concious"abut yourenvironment.
And for those ,who put pictures of girls on profile account.think what will happen with others.this is only for 'making money online' freely,with fraudes.and ti make foolish others.so please drive care with your social media uses.And about this informs others,to close friends,family members,relatives,neighbours
So please aware of fraudes from social media.tell to your childerns not to attend chatroom on internet.it is full of right and wrong creatures.there are pious man,there are also robbers.so be please "concious"abut yourenvironment.
And for those ,who put pictures of girls on profile account.think what will happen with others.this is only for 'making money online' freely,with fraudes.and ti make foolish others.so please drive care with your social media uses.And about this informs others,to close friends,family members,relatives,neighbours