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"Behaviour with girls" and human socities.

We are living and living in this world where interact with eachothers.our manners,our ways of treating/dealing with others are very different from person to person.Unit of oursocoety is "family"thats consist of father,mother,brothers,sisters and some others members,those,who are living with family as a jiont member,this is known as "joint family" and all members depend on eachother.They all connect with each others.here all "relationship"is very strong.when young kids are born,these are like very much by all family members,especially ,male child is much like by members than girls kids.Much more importance is given to male baby than girl baby.but why?.Are girls are dislike by members,yes or know.maybe in different socities,different reactions,as like and dislikes of every person is different,and depend on his or her own accourd.Some schollars search deeply to answer the Question "why girls are dilike"and try to put under pressure,by elders such father,mother,brother,even sister,and closed relatives,but why.maybe,as some noms,rites,customs,dealing techniques,treating others,ways of living are different in different world socities.As in muslim society,when a girl born in family,she is treated like male child,but only to some age,when she grow older than 10 yers,her"freedoms"are closed ony till some propers cages,such as,to home,to school,to college.All these "ropes"are tight by her father,mother,brothers,sisters and closed relatives.but why?may be they all think,she not change her mind anagist family norms and rites.she not make close relationship with others.she not make love affair with others,even she not look at any boy.So eyes are put on her daily routeen life,and these all acts are monitors by all others family members.She is not allowed to touch any computer for surfering internent,she is not allowe to use"facebook"and other social media.she not allow to swithon any TV,She not allow to watch different filems,drammas,dacomentry.Elders members think"bade days can start"some harsh families checks her girls schools bags.maybe any liver boy hand write letter can found.shes are monitors,what here friends(Only she's)are excellent,good,and fair for her ,for school/college on way going friendship.some times such advises are rased by her parents.she is also guided by her mothe how she puton het clotha,how she cover her face,and hide het face from others.If her grandparents are live and still alive,they think,their first and foremost duty is to deliver a signifecent"Lecture"on routeen wise Purdah,daily watching her girls friends lists,and advising her about"right and wrong""good and bade".Now some others stages starts,Maybe now she is near to her 18 years stairs.Her elder brothers monitors her evey step.every day her brothers checks her mobiles phones,her mobile set setting,list of phones numbers,messages details.incomming calls records,misscalls timing,out going calls,internet touching.use of social media,such as "Facebook"Eskimi"Snapshat"'whatsub'record,on othetside her "Diturbing age"start.In this age her feeling,her thinking,her wishes,wants,demand and requirements grew,and grows as a full human being.but her elder sisters put forword on her some pieces of advices such , she like her cussions.who person is most beautiful for her,for her life,how much she love with her.but how much.even such kind of so many questionsare rased on her and about her on comming life.Because,She bears so heardship troubles,problems in her early young life,and put all these heardship results on/in her mind/brain.but after her merrage."SHE TAKES ALL HER REVANGES FROM HER HUSBAND".unfortunately her heardness cannot decrease after her merrage life,her husband monitors her every step,and take much care,she not attend her cussion birthy ceremoney,because her cussion lover her,she not go in neighbour homes,she only produce much child,and becom sex plessure instrument for her husband,(Even neighbour.friends,cussions.relatives,friends husbands like her,and maybe for enjoying sex only)
Dear readers i was in usa(Amreca),i observe very closely and very fully.i think usa society is full of freedom and enjoyment.every on can deal with others,all girls are free.There is no hate heart feeling.No parents pressure for girls/on girls,every girl is free and can go freely here and there without any constrain,but in muslims societies,no freedom for girls,maybe "islam"a religious of peace,honour,success,in this religious, our holy prophet(pbuh),says all human being are same,w,here girls are treated same, as are treated boys.in muslim society all girls lije to hide herself in a purdha.shes not want to enjoy sex and loose her verginity in early life,because it is sin and it is againat the will of. Allah,more so it causes many sex disorders in men and women ,especially in young girls.


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