We all are very concious about our dress.we choose colours of our derss.we go here and there for choosin the special style and design of our derss.we look at others dress,we also observe others dress,how one is wearing.from where one buy and from where one sew his or his dress.here one thing is mix,that is 'to cover body with suitable covers.these covers are varies in different societies , and consists of 'shilwar+Qaameez'very famous in Muslim societies,and shirt +paint is regulerly wearing of english societies.there is also sarahi,pajamas,only uppear wear,shorts,sandoes,and much more relevent in different societies of the world nations.Three days ago my friend was watching"facebook"home i was very astonish to look at some pictures with heading"stunner of the day"with all naked body,maybe that was'porn videos'or"pornography"because,there was women,and only girls with porn pictures.As like and dislike are very different from person.so d...
This is the age of technology,we all are familer with social media techniques,working,and good,bade effects.facebook is very famous in everywhere in the world.like this other social media,every one is using such as whatsup.snapechat,eskimi,email chat,related chatrooms,we spent some time there.we make friends,especially girlfriends,we enjoy from chat with strangers,friends and family members.here we exchange informations,knowledge and experences.we watch videos on youtube,we watch live channals there.we upload live videos on youtube ,and aske them share with public and friends.Now a days mobile set,common every where and connected with internet connection.on mobile phone same kinds of facilities as on computers , labtops.and it is cheap source of informations.On mobile phones we can enjoy live chat,lives calla,face to face conversations.we can watch pictire and live picture of our friends,family members on the 4 or more inches screen of our mobile phone.But,unfotunately,there are fraud...
We are living and living in this world where interact with eachothers.our manners,our ways of treating/dealing with others are very different from person to person.Unit of oursocoety is "family"thats consist of father,mother,brothers,sisters and some others members,those,who are living with family as a jiont member,this is known as "joint family" and all members depend on eachother.They all connect with each others.here all "relationship"is very strong.when young kids are born,these are like very much by all family members,especially ,male child is much like by members than girls kids.Much more importance is given to male baby than girl baby.but why?.Are girls are dislike by members,yes or know.maybe in different socities,different reactions,as like and dislikes of every person is different,and depend on his or her own accourd.Some schollars search deeply to answer the Question "why girls are dilike"and try to put under pressure,by elders such f...
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