Keep your children away from Mobile phone set Skip to main content

Keep your children away from Mobile phone set

We are living in the age, the age of technology especially digital technology change our life both with positive and negative effects. Today no hand with out mobile set. Every one is using and enjoying from different kinds of mobile set. Mobile set is very good facility for making foroff communication. Not only one can enjoy from voice but pictures and lives pictures of caller can be watched on 5inch or more inches of mobile phone set screen. From one end of the earth till other end one can make communication at any time. In any emergency one can call for help to others and can help others on time. If mobile phone is connected with internet, there are different mobile phone applications that's provide 'internet call' facility. Download hangout, viber, Skype, Veon, messenger, even facebook, Twitter, and there are much more such kinds of applications only download from' Google playstore' then sign-up these applications and continue to make communication with your family members, with your friends, with your girlfriend, with your boyfriend, even you can make' voice and live' communication only if you are connected with internet connection. You can chat with your friends and family members on Facebook, Twitter, and on other social media applications. Always remember mobile phone is useful only if it's uses are purposefull. But mobile phone harmful side effects are appearing in different societies of the world. Both positive and negative uses of mobile phone set.
Always keep your young children away from Mobile phone especially advanced, sophisticated, modern and touch screen mobile phone set. When a child will get any type of mobile phone set, first child will play games, sometimes connect with friends, sometimes makes call, sometimes chat with friends, sometimes forword messages to friends and family members. When become familiar with mobile phone set spend much time in using and destroy study intervals, such kinds of engagement can cause low interest in study. If parents and elders insist his or her to study properly with zeal and zest. May be child will ignore the instructures and advises of parents and elders. Sometimes young students use mobile phone in classrooms and other classmates imitates his or her. Always remember, if any young boy or girl is using mobile phone set yes he or she is losing future. Early age of young is' paved future' stage.Always keep birds eye view on young at every instances. Mobile phone will cause very bad side effects on young body and young mind health. Negative uses of mobile phone set can damage the habits of young because young not know about good and evil. Young only pick enjoy and timely facility. Think if a young boy is operating modern mobile phone set that is connected with internet connection, first he will use only useful applications and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, chat rooms, after sometimes he will try to watch YouTube, Net flex, and more videos from' google search' when his or her interest increase he or she will try to watch porn sex, xx sex videos, xxx videos, xxxx videos and nudes pictures on internet. Yes one will watch dog sex, monkey sex, donkey sex, horse and female donkeys sex, black xxx videos, animals sex, young girls set, boyfriend and young girlfriends sex, Indian sex, set hub, youjez, jaxtube, live sex, doctor and nurse sex, party sex, white girl sex and may others' pornographic materials from YouTube, from Facebook, from search engines searches. Such kind of sexy material will disturb his or her health. When one will watch porn sex videos from internet soon his penis will erect or her vegina will float like a balloon. If boy is watching' porn sex videos' he will masturbate by rubbing his strong and erect penis will the Palm of hands and if a young worm blood girl is watching porn sex videos on YouTube, Facebook or from any internet search engine she will at once insert her long fingure in her soft and wet vagina .she will move her fingers in her vegina till enjoyful orgasim flow from resting destination. Think if young body and young girl are watching porn sex videos on the screen of mobile phone set how much time they feel patience but at last, last remedy is' insert tight and hot penis in het soft and wet pussy' and enjoy sex for some time.
Now please think about the age of young and little kids. For enjoying sex the best age scale for boys is more then 18years old and same is true for girls age scale. In early age scale enjoying sex will cause many health and brain health problems. Many health related disorders can damage young health and future. Remember all this is due to' early age mobile uses are harmful. So keep away your children from Mobile phone set.


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