it was very said day when I married with Farzana major,oh it was very anguisherly disturbing day,destraction of my life start at that day,to day when i think, and think about my past,a past days,harsh weeks,firly months, and burning years of my merrage life, my mind stop at some points,and all those are black points,I also think, but why,?
sometimes I think, it was all due to my bad luck,
but I can not satisfy, and again think
Mybe I was wrong,mine errors, my mistakes,my any misbehaviour, was not proper,
sometime I also think further about my past merrage life with FERZANA KUSOR ,Our great Almighty ALLAH,
decisions, my be our ALLAH, write in our merrage life, will appear such kind of situations,
sometime I also stop think,I try to my best shape back past picture at my brain screen,oh,now,when some pictures appears on my brain screen, some are dims,some are light, some are red clour, some are white,some are green and yellow,
sometimes I think, it was all due to my bad luck,
but I can not satisfy, and again think
Mybe I was wrong,mine errors, my mistakes,my any misbehaviour, was not proper,
sometime I also think further about my past merrage life with FERZANA KUSOR ,Our great Almighty ALLAH,
decisions, my be our ALLAH, write in our merrage life, will appear such kind of situations,
sometime I also stop think,I try to my best shape back past picture at my brain screen,oh,now,when some pictures appears on my brain screen, some are dims,some are light, some are red clour, some are white,some are green and yellow,
but what determines about my future catalog,