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Showing posts from February, 2017

Dialogue with my merrage life

it was very said day  when I married with Farzana major,oh it was very anguisherly disturbing day,destraction of my life start at that day,to day when i think, and think about my past,a past days,harsh weeks,firly months, and burning years of my merrage life, my mind stop at some points,and all those  are black points,I also think, but why,? sometimes I think, it was all due to my bad luck, but I can not satisfy, and again think Mybe I was wrong,mine errors, my mistakes,my any misbehaviour, was not proper, sometime I also think further about my past merrage life with FERZANA KUSOR ,Our great Almighty ALLAH, decisions, my be  our ALLAH, write in our merrage life, will appear such kind of situations, sometime I also stop think,I try to my best shape back past picture at my brain screen,oh,now,when some pictures appears on my brain screen, some are dims,some are light, some are red clour, some are white,some are green and yellow, but what deter mines about my futur...

here and there going

I Will not allow her to go anywhere ,here and there  without my prior permission, in any other home, she will not meet with any person with out my permission ,it means  if she want to go in any other relatives home, task for permission, only if I allow she will be able to go,otherwise she will not go anywhere. she can go out only/can leave my home gate,for receiving, getting for school  our children. ,are for taking medicines for her or for childrens. PLEASE BE NOTE HERE, I will  allow  her to go in those relatives home,only,whose relationship/ relations are good /mutual will me, BE ALWAYS REMEMBER  she will attend/ go in her parents home only in jhuaraabad only schools vacation, during this period she provide me a certify certificate  , during this period, the education of childrens can be effected, AGAIN HERE FOR REMEMBERING, she will not go anywhere/ in her parents, brother home, if I will be ill  OR any children will be ill at home...